Quality Assurance

Our company is strongly committed to Quality and continuous improvement in all activities of the organization. Our stringent quality procedures are continually re-assessed and improved for best product assurance. Based on our experience we assert that Quality is the only way to achieve prosperity as a successful company in a highly competitive electronic market.

FACET target for Quality is to maintain and to improve Quality of our products and service, in order to meet consistently the customer’s needs.

FACET management is committed to continuous improvement of the efficiency of the company through:

  • Building the Quality all along development and production cycle, from design to the delivery of finished product,
  • Carefully following customer needs and surpassing them in our product,
  • Strictly protecting customer’s interest by delivering highly competitive and reliable products and services.
  • Respecting and following the EU, Bulgarian, and International laws and regulations in all company’s activities
  • FACET employees follow this policy to achieve the best level of service and customer satisfaction.

    Certificates and Membership

    FACET is EN ISO 9001:2015 certified by Eurocert
    (view certificate).

    FACET is member of the Cluster Microelectronics, Industrial Electronic and Systems


    FACET is National Instruments Alliance Associate Partner.

     (view certificate)